
Welcome to The Paragon Group. We have over 20 years of Business Valuation and Business Broker expertise.

April 24, 2024


Arnie Lakeyn specializes in brokering business sales.

Business Sales

Selling your most valuable assets requires the services of a highly experienced professional.
Arnie Lakeyn specializes in business valuations.

Business Valuations

A business valuation is an invaluable tool for a business owner at any stage of the business.
Arnie Lakeyn specializes in commercial real estate.

Commercial Real Estate

Sell your real estate concurrently with the business or lease it with or without an option to purchase.

What we Offer

We are a group of dedicated mergers & acquisitions intermediaries. Our team of business brokers consists of award winning, highly professional individuals with a vast amount of business valuation and business sales experience.